The Power of Optimism

Today I saw an article on that began this way…

“Optimists aren’t just people who see the glass half full. They also make more money than pessimists and enjoy health benefits such as fewer colds, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and a longer life.”

Check it out…

If you read this blog with any regularity, you know that I am a big believer in the power of optimism.  I have a plaque with The Optimist Creed on my desk.  I read it at the beginning of every day.  You can get a copy at

My career mentoring  clients  will tell you that I believe that optimism is the foundation of self confidence and that self confidence is a key factor in creating the life and career success you want and deserve.

As the article above points out, choosing optimism isn’t some pollyanish life stance.  You have to believe things will work out — but you also have to do the work to make them work out.  That’s why I use the seventh point of The Optimist Creed — “Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future” — guide my life and work.  I believe things will work out.  When they don’t I learn what I can from my failures and use that learning to help me move forward in my life and career.

Choose optimism.  As the old saying goes, “Optimists are right.  So are pessimists.”

Your career mentor,


PS: I have created a new career membership site.  Readers of this blog are invited to join for free.  Just go to and enter your information.  You’ll become part of a growing, vibrant community of success minded professionals.


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