Inside the Minds of Three Billionaires

By definition, billionaires are some of the richest people on the planet. Most of them gained the money by birth, but what’s more interesting are those individuals who began their journey on their own and wound up successful. Not all CEOs are billionaires and not all billionaires are CEOs. Below are three highly successful CEOs offering advice on how to emulate their triumph:

Bob Parsons: Life is Never Fair so Don’t Expect It to Be

Straight from the mouth of GoDaddy’s CEO, Bob Parsons says that life is not fair — it never was, and it never will be. Even the billionaire himself has experienced life events that are unhappy including his divorce with his ex-wife and fellow investor of his then-company Parsons Technology. Unhappiness is not a hindrance, but a motivation for Bob Parsons. When clicked big time, he realized he’s a fortunate man when it comes to business.

Bob Parsons

Photo by Parsonsrep via Wikimedia Commons

Carlos Slim Helu: Live for What You Believe In

Carlos Slim Helu once said that those who live for other people’s opinions are dead. Although that may sound a bit scary, the CEO of Telmex and América Móvil is actually an optimistic person. He does not believe in pessimism because according to him, this will only take him to mediocrity. This kind of mindset may have given him the motivation to stay as the richest man in the world since 2010, according to

Carlos Slim Helú

Photo by José Cruz/ABr via Wikimedia Commons

Warren Buffett: Hang Out with Superior People

The 82-year-old business magnate has a lot to say when it comes to giving advice including his belief that hanging out with people better than you is beneficial. For him, associates should be picked correctly and properly with special regard to their behavior. When they are better than you, you will find yourself drifting in the same direction.

Medal of Freedom Ceremony

Photo by Medill DC via Flick

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